Friday, January 05, 2007

走过Patagonia (三) - 徒步 Torres Del Paine (上)

徒步Torres Del Paine是心中向往多年的美丽,与朋友们也不知唠叨了多久。可真的去过了, 终于要写到Torres Del Paine的美丽,却突然有点踌躇,怕没办法写出自己内心的真实感受。其实无论是相机还是笔墨都无法真实记录Torres Del Paine的美和震撼。


所以,去趟Torres Del Paine吧!

December marks the beginning of the high tourist season in Patagonia. We opted to trek "W" route, a 4 -5 day highly popular route that follows the southern edge of the mountain range at Torres Del Paine National Park and yes, you guessed it, it is in the shape of a W!! This national park was recognized in 1978 by the United Nations as a world biosphere reserve making it a prominent ecosystem. The spires, the Torres from which the park gets its name, along with their brethren Fitz Roy and Cerro Torre to the north (we will visit there from El Chalten in a later day), were actually the inspiration for my trip south, as they are often featured in various climbing magazines and on the resumes of the world´s top climbers and they are all for me to experience!

Day 1

From Hosteria Las Torres to Camp Torres

Distance: 8 km

Time: 3 hrs (5:30pm - 8:30pm)

下午两点,坐大巴走出那平实朴素的小城Puerto Natales,坠入的完全是另一个世界:山的世界.

似乎只要深呼吸,就可以闻到山的味道。有一种很安静的活力,渗入到身体里的每一个细胞,我忽然很兴奋, 为这一路的山与水......

通向Camp Torres 的一个垭口

Day 2

A. from Camp Torres to Base of Torres Del Paine and back to Camp Torres

Distance: 3 km (1.5km one way 500m elevation on rocky road)

Time: 3 hrs (4am - 7:30am)

Highlight: hike up to the base was really tough but worth it and we were rewarded with stunning view of the 3 towers ending in a green glacial lake

起了个大早,为了传说中的那片红彤彤绚烂日出。可惜,天公不作美,有点阴,不免惆怅, 多少是有些不甘心。 不过,能亲眼看一眼这高耸的石峰,我也该心满意足了。人是不可太贪心的!人在旅途,还是随遇而安的好。

the famous "Tower"

这儿的晨曦好宁静呀! 它有一种最安静的力量让你在它的面前无法言语。真的,是力量。在它的面前我什么也说不出来,不是目瞪口呆,不是哑口无言,是一种甘心被它完全征服的安心。 就这样,找了个避风的地方,我安心地坐着, 看着,陶醉着。真的好感叹: 她们怎么就在那里呢? 她们怎么就如此地与众不同?


B. from Camp Torres to Camp Italiano

Distance: 24.5 km

Time: 11.5 hrs (8:30am - 8pm)

Highlight: dispite the long distance, we lost and spent over an hour climb like goat trying to find the way back onto the trail

接下来的一天, 是辛苦的一天, 是“身体下地狱,眼睛进天堂”的一天。

在Torres Del paine, 她的美并不仅仅是哪几个刻意的景点或Lookout. 她的美几乎是在那不经意的一瞥,每一个转身, 每一个抬头后都可能的美和震撼。所以一路上除了赶路外,更提醒着自己,千万别忘了回头,生怕错过了那美丽。

朴素简单但恰到好处的小木桥,加上一侧的简易Hostel, 有点“小桥流水人家”的意境





BTW, 今天是我的生日,虽说女人过了三十,大都不太情愿过生日的,毕竟是又老了一岁,而且女人大概是最忌讳老了。不过在山里过生日可是头一遭,不可不庆。Sharon和Jason贡献出宝贵的一包方便面,这可是从山下背了几十里地上山的。在疲惫不堪的一天之后,可以有一“锅”热腾腾香喷喷的“长寿面”,夫复何求!

Day 3

Ville De Frances (French Valley)- from Camp Italiano pass Camp Britanico to the lookout at the end of the road and back to Camp Italiano

Distance: 15 km (7.5 one way)

Time: 8 hrs (11am - 7pm)

今天去French Valley, 一天的来回,当晚还扎营在Camp Italiano . 居然挺开心,难得有一天可以偷偷懒,不用收拾帐篷和行李了。早上也难得睡了个懒觉, 不过因此得以见识云雾缭绕中的雪峰,可谓懒人有懒福,在这儿,还真信了这句。

中午在翻垭口的路上,天大晴。它们在左手边,蓝天在它们间。轰轰几声,是雪崩。我停住了,前后的几个人也停住了。所有人都望着它,痴痴地。 阳光下,只有雪,白得安静,泛着微蓝的光。



1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday!