Monday, January 15, 2007

走过Patagonia (五) - El Chalten

5.1 有点乏善可陈的El Chalten

After 5 hours bus from Puerto Natales, Chile to El Calafate, Argentina and another 4 hour bus ride from El Calafate to El Chalten (located on the Argentina - Chile border, along the spine of some of the tallest peaks in the Andes), we finally arrived in El Chalten (population 3000) at 11pm. El Chalten is a little town in the middle of nowhere, however it is blessed by being in the shadows of the Fitz Roy range. With two of the most sought-after trophies for any hard-core rock-climber and some of the most unpredictable weather anywhere, this magical, and incredible pristine place attracts climbers from all over the globe trying to scale these sheer-granite towers - Cerro Torre and the highest peak of the region - Cerro Fitz Roy.

El Chalten, 虽然得天独厚,坐拥美景,但乏善可陈。 镇上的环境实在是不怎么样, 没什么可逛的,一条破落的街不过几百米长, 不过到是有点大修土木的样子。过几年再来,也许会是另外一翻景象。

既然来到El Chalten,除了攀岩, 便只有是徒步了。我这身材,攀岩是有点勉为其难了,于是又是两天的徒步, 目标 -Cerro Torre 和 Cerro Fitz Roy.





本想在此打个尖休息一下,可是一下子乌云便压了过来,不远处的雪山也笼罩在雾气中,缥缥缈缈的。不一时,豆大的雨点就打在身上。我们只好换上冲锋衣,赶紧赶路。总算在几个小时后赶到了Camp Poincenot.


整晚上都在祈祷老天爷开眼,让我可以亲眼看一看Cerro Fitz Roy。可惜的是,有时往往是事与愿违的。我一大早就嘀咕着,为什么看一眼就这么难呢?也许是他故意织云雾为幔,有心不让外来的事物扰了他亿万年来早已习惯的孤独和寂寞。



Anonymous said...

Hey, so you manage to finish, nearly, writing about last trip before start the new one.
Best wishes to your trip, say hi to Sharon for me. It'll take a while for me to get back on the road again.


Anonymous said...

Hey, so you manage to finish, nearly, writing about last trip before start the new one.
Best wishes to your trip, say hi to Sharon for me. It'll take a while for me to get back on the road again.