Wednesday, August 01, 2007

苏格兰 • 孤独的风笛 (一) - 迟到的邂逅

1.1 迟到的邂逅




苏格兰地广人稀,景区分散。长途车班次很少,一天也就3,4班。如果错过了一次,就要等好久。而我个人骨子里对旅行团又是敬而远之的,幸好发现爱丁堡当地的 Macbackpacker 提供一种 Jump On and Jump Off 的旅行方式非常适合。



7/22 Ovenight Train (London – Edinburgh)

7/23 Edinburgh – Pitlochry - Inverness
Leaving Edinburgh we head north over the Forth Road bridge, across Fife towards the beautiful Highlands. No trip to the north is complete without a visit to the world famous Loch Ness and our very own monster spotter. Its then in to Inverness the capital of the Highlands

7/24 Inverness – Isle of Skye
It is now time to pack up and leave Inverness, and head to the west to the Island of Skye, the mystical magical Isle of Skye.

7/25 Isle of Skye
Our adventure begins for this breathtaking day, exploring one of Scotland’s most famous islands.

7/26 Isle of Skye – Fort William - Oban
We leave the magical Island of Skye behind and head south for the beautiful harbour town of Oban. This is a day of mountains and lochs as we travel down the west coast of the highlands.

7/27 Oban – Stirling – Edinburgh
All good things must come to an end and from Stirling we head back to Edinburgh, Scotland’s capital.

7/28 Edinburgh
Leisure time to explore Edinburgh on foot

7/29 Edinburgh – Big Shopping Time

7/30 Afternoon Train (Edinburgh – London)

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