Monday, December 01, 2008

沉醉在土耳其(一)- 迟到的游记

1.1 迟到的游记


窗外,是漫天飞舞的雪花,正是多伦多的严冬季节。躲在温暖的小屋里,计划着2009春天的旅行,充满欣喜和跃跃欲试。实在是不大好意思还拖着2007土耳其之行的游记,于是在一年之后,趁着记忆尚未完全退色之前,拿起笔,记录下旅行中的点点滴滴,因为 - 想记住如画的风景,想怀念相遇的缘分,想留住异域的魅惑,想给没有去过的朋友一个分享......

这里横跨欧亚两大洲;这里有灿烂的阳光,蔚蓝的大海,壮丽的山峦;这里可以追忆古帝国的辉煌,凭吊古文明的印迹...... 这里是神奇而又别样的风情万种。去感受一下吧,这个你无法想象的国度!十几天的行走,我沉醉在这个一点也不土的充满魅惑力的土耳其。

行程 Turkey Itinerary (10/5 - 10/22,2007):

10/5 - Depart Toronto

10/6 - Arrive Istanbul, take overnight bus to Goreme

10/7 - Cappadocia - the most amzing landscape. Join the typical Green Tour

10/8 - 10/10 - Mt. Nemrut (Nemrut Dagi)

10/11 - Visit Goreme Open Air Museum, Uchisar Castle for a panoramic view of Cappadocia's bizarre rock formation. Explore spectacular Pigeon Valley, and try Turkish Bath before take overnight bus to Pamukkale

10/12 - Pamukkale - famous for its calcified falls or "Cotton Castle", admire Hierapolis ruins

10/13 - Take morning bus to Seluck, visit village Sirince in the afternoon

10/14 - Explore incredible ruins of the ancient Ionian City Ephesus

10/15 - Take bus to Kusadasi, then cruise to Island Samos (Greece). Take overnight bus to Canakkale

10/16 - Join a guided tour to legendary Troy, then cross the Dardanelles and arrive Istanbul

10/17 - Istanbul city sightseeing, take overnight bus to Safranbolu

10/18 - Reveal this loverly small town - Safranbolu, take overnight bus back to Istanbul

10/19 - 10/21 - Explore this incredible Istanbul on foot, city sightseeing, wander along the street, relax in a sidewalk cafe, take in the new sights, sounds and smells. But most important - SHOPPING, SHOPPING, SHOPPING

10/22 - Flight back to Toronto. A quick city tour of Amsterdam during the stop over

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