Friday, April 10, 2009

恋恋风尘玻利维亚(四)- Hidden Surprise (Tupiza)

4.1 Hidden Surprise - Tupiza

Set in spectacular countryside, Tupiza, lies in the valley and is surrounded by rugged scenery. Surprisingly, this city has a lot to offer the traveler: trekking the surrounding canyons and hills, whistling the theme from your favorite western as you guide your horse up the narrow gullies, zooming down from the mountain on a bike, or just simply lay back and enjoy a few drinks in the pretty central square and watch local people passing by......


一到Tupiza,饿得前心贴后背,在Hotel Mitru放下行李,就先出门觅食了。一个小小的,看上去破破烂烂的小城,没想到居然有如此美味的Pizza。小小的店面装修的极有风味,藤制的吊灯垂下来,橙黄的灯光透过,很温暖。四壁上贴满了,挂满了各个地方的风景画。


来Tupiza,看的都是周围的风景,而这里欣赏风景最佳的方式不过是:徒步,骑马,或者骑自行车。比较一下,报了一个骑马加骑自行车的一天团,既然回La Paz还想去the Death Road冒险一把,不妨在这里松松筋骨先。

Typical landscape in Tupiza's surrounding area

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