Saturday, August 01, 2009

九月的魅力中欧(一)- Let's Go

1.1 Let's Go


于是又上路了,在明媚的九月,奔向那生命不能承受之美的Central Europe......

没想到跟团的那个是我,作为一名“资深”背包客的我,似乎有点不可思议。当朋友知道后,居然问:“Are you out of your mind?" 为什么要跟团就不要提了,其实就是一时贪图方便呗!平心而论,跟团也不是一无是处的,尤其是比起国内的旅游团,国外正规的旅行团真的好多了,至少没有浪费任何时间在所谓的旅游商店,而且自由活动时间很多,到达一个城市后,你也可以依自己的喜好安排。


行程 Central Europe Itinerary (8/30 - 9/14, 2008):

8/30 - Depart Toronto (Air Transat)

8/31 - Arrive Frankfurt, meet COSMO Tour Director and fellow travellers

9/1 - Frankfurt - Weimar - Berlin
Northeast today for a stop in Weimar, one-time intellectual heart of Germany. Journey past Jena, over the River Elbe for a few miles into Germany's Capital city, Berlin.

9/2 - Berlin
No longer divided but every bit as fascinating, now once again it is Germany's capital. Afternoon excursion to historic Potsdam.

9/3 - Berlin - Warsaw (Poland)
Drive east to Poznan, one of Poland's oldest trading centers. See more of the Polish countryside on the way to Warsaw.

9/4 - Warsaw
The included morning sightseeing tour is an excellent introduction to Warsaw, magnificently reconstructed after wartime destruction. Free time to explore Warsaw at your own pace in the afternoon.

9/5 - Warsaw - Krakow
Stop on the way to Krakow to visit the Auschwitz concentration camp

9/6 - Krakow
Free day to explore Krakow, Poland's most beautiful city, at your own pace and mingle with the locals.

9/7 - Krakow - Budapest (Hungary)
A very comfortable and scenic drive through Poland and Slovakia, finally into Hungary - Budapest, the most lively of Eastern European capitals.

9/8 - Budapest
Included morning sightseeing features Buda Castle which dominates the twin cities of Buda and Pest, separated by the broad ribbon of the Danube; Free time to wander around in the afternoon and then joined a 1-hour Danube cruise and illumination

9/9 - Budapest - Vienna (Austria)
Head for the Austrian boarder, arrive Vienna early afternoon to enjoy the included sightseeing tour; Unforgettable evening with Kursalon Waltz concert.

9/10 - Vienna - Prague (Czech Republic)
Free time to explore Vienna in the morning. Afternoon cross the Czech boarder into Moravia, then through the rich farmlands to Prague.

9/11 - Prague
Tour to see the famous Castle then free afternoon to enjoy this lovely and romantic capital

9/12 - Prague - Munich (Germany)
Into the landscape of the Bohemian Forest before reaching the Czech-German boarder. Drive south, enjoy the Bavarian sceneray, to the "Secret Capital" Munich.

9/13 - Munich - Frankfurt
The highlight today is undoubtedly the Romantic Road, which runs South to North as far as the Alps. Visit Rothenburg with its ramparts and towers, cobbled streets, and 16th-century houses.

9/14 - Early afternoon flight back to Toronto (Air Transat)

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