Saturday, September 01, 2007

透过历史的尘埃(一) - 埃及行记 April 2007

1.1 “你要爱你的寂寞”

我总是个行走在路上的女子,也是个普通的生活人,努力地追寻着美丽的风景 - Live My Life,亦是我的执着。

加拿大的秋天是阳光明媚,和绚丽多彩的。抬眼望去的天空蓝得是那样的纯净清澈而又通透。就这样静静地看着窗外的明媚,思绪却飘回到那炙烈太阳无尽的普照,那空气中飞舞的尘埃,那个曾经是梦境的遥远国度...... 离开仿佛就在昨日。虽然已经回来近半年了,却走不出那段充满惊奇和欢笑的回忆。


对于大多数人,包括我在内,埃及都曾经是一个梦,一个有着金字塔斯芬克斯的传奇,一个渺无人迹的大漠戈壁,一个有着悠久文明的神秘国度...... 坦白地说,入埃及本并不在我今年出游目的地的计划之中,只不过在Patagonia之行时与Sharon的讨论中提及埃及。结果刚从阿根挺回来没几天,与Sharon的再次碰面后决定了四月的目的地 - 埃及。于是在接下来的几个月里,除了埋头做旅游计划,拜着指头数日子外,便是想象着:透过历史的尘埃,古埃及到底是怎样的?

Egypt Itinerary (4/12 - 4/30)

4/12 - Fly from Toronto to Cairo

4/13 - Arrive Cairo, take overnight train to Aswan

4/14 - Aswan - felluca trip / visit the Temple of Phile / watch the fabulous Sound and Light Show

4/15 - Excursion to Abu Simbel / Embark Nile cruise in the afternoon / visit the Temple of Kom Ombo

4/16 - Nile cruise - visit the Temple of Edfu / arrive Luxor at later afternoon

4/17 - Luxor - visit the Temple of Karnak / visit the Museum of Luxor

4/18 - Luxor - visit the Valley of King and Hatshepsut Temple / take overnight train to Alexandria

4/19 - Alexandria - stroll down the waterfront and the business district

4/20 - Alexandria - visit the historical Fort Qaitbey / take late afternoon train and overnight bus to Dahab (Red Sea)

4/21 - Dahab - relax

4/22 - St. Catherines - hike in Moses' footsteps up to the summit of Mt Sinai for a glorious sunrise / take overnight bus back to Cairo

4/23 - Cairo - visit the Museum of Cairo

4/24 - Cairo - tour of Giza Pyramids, Sakkara and Dahshur /Nile night cruise

4/25 - 4/26 - Black and White Desert Safari (Baharia Oasis, overnight camping)

4/27 - 4/29 - Cairo - Sightseeing (Islamic Cairo / Old Cairo) and SHOPPING
4/30 - Flight back to Toronto


Anonymous said...


What a fantastic journey... I love the pictures, the journal and most importantly, your spirit of seeking meaningful experience in life...Looking at the pictures, I definitely want to go...

Keep on travelling,


Anonymous said...

"我总是个行走在路上的女子,也是个普通的生活人,努力地追寻着美丽的风景 - Live My Life,亦是我的执着。"

那首《边走边唱》也许就是为你写的。 我喜欢读你的游记。

Anonymous said...

什么时候,有你的"荷西"牵手同行?? - Carmen

Anonymous said...

自由,令人羡慕 - 彤